My time is winding down here. Our reliefs get here this weekend, so the activities have shifted from the day-to-day grind to that more of tying up loose ends and packaging our work for turnover to the new guys. The things I've looked forward to most are those notes from home, care packages, and emails just checking in to see how things are going.
Noah has lately taken an interest in emailing and leaving messages for me. He left these over the last week on my blog:
****Dear Dad,Is it possible for the weather to make it green,orange and red? because it's not normal for that to happen where we are.I mean it gets orange or pink in the sky sometimes but not green. How hot does it get over there? Have you made lots of friends yet? I have.I could name tons of things we could do together like go to the movies,play at the park,ride our bikes. Stuff like that.I'm getting ready to go to my friend Mario's house.He's really nice too. I love you so much.And wecan't wait till you get back Love, Noah ****

****Dear Dad,What are those things? Are they hyenas or are they wolves? I miss you. It's almost 6:00 where you are.Thank you for the glow sticks. I got them today. Tomorrow, I am going to sleep over at my friend Mario's house.I might be going to a dairy farm tomorrow.I can't wait till I get to see you in three and a half weeks. I got a hair cut today and went to Subway. And I ate half of it and saved the other half for dinner and when i came into eat it half of it was gone. And of course,nana ate it. So i had 1/4 of a sandwich,pretzels and noodles.Mom is telling me to get off now so I love you and i say that you will be safe in Iraq in our prayers.And we missed you the second you left and i still do. Love, Your son Noah. xoxoxoxoxoxo ****
Noah has lately taken an interest in emailing and leaving messages for me. He left these over the last week on my blog:
****Dear Dad,Is it possible for the weather to make it green,orange and red? because it's not normal for that to happen where we are.I mean it gets orange or pink in the sky sometimes but not green. How hot does it get over there? Have you made lots of friends yet? I have.I could name tons of things we could do together like go to the movies,play at the park,ride our bikes. Stuff like that.I'm getting ready to go to my friend Mario's house.He's really nice too. I love you so much.And wecan't wait till you get back Love, Noah ****

****Dear Dad,What are those things? Are they hyenas or are they wolves? I miss you. It's almost 6:00 where you are.Thank you for the glow sticks. I got them today. Tomorrow, I am going to sleep over at my friend Mario's house.I might be going to a dairy farm tomorrow.I can't wait till I get to see you in three and a half weeks. I got a hair cut today and went to Subway. And I ate half of it and saved the other half for dinner and when i came into eat it half of it was gone. And of course,nana ate it. So i had 1/4 of a sandwich,pretzels and noodles.Mom is telling me to get off now so I love you and i say that you will be safe in Iraq in our prayers.And we missed you the second you left and i still do. Love, Your son Noah. xoxoxoxoxoxo ****
Son, I've missed you tremendously. Thank you for taking care of your mama and being a good big brother while I've been gone. I see that you guys have made all kinds of friends in Atlanta, and have found all the good eating spots. I can't wait for you to show me around to all your favorites. You will be able to put away "flat d
addy" and you can take "fat daddy" to school for lunch and Rita's for Italian Ice. We can ride bikes and go fishing. I'll be home soon and we'll get a house where you can have your own room, and it looks like you need a bigger bike these days. You can see in this photo of my room, I keep it clean and make my bed every day, and I have the pictures you guys have sent me all over my room. Keep your room clean too, and be good to your sisters and mom. And yes, you saw from the other pictures I posted how the sky gets green, orange, or red during a dust or sand storm here. It's pretty cool - but not as cool as being with my pumpkin head! I love you and will see you soon. Love, Dad XOXOXOXOX (my hugs and kisses are bigger than yours!!!)