Maybe I'll blog later about my thoughts and feelings on US occupation of Iraq, but for now I'll let you know that I'll be there to manage several construction contracts, hopefully with the revenue going to Iraqis rather than KBR or General Dynamics type US firms! We're there to help them, not to enrich US shareholders and provide CEO retirement packages~ anyway, later on that.
I finally got the family set up in the Atlanta area while I deploy. We did a DITY move (Do-IT-Yourself) and took everything in a 26' moving truck with Meredith and all the kids following behind. It took 3 days of driving and we tried to squeeze in some enjoyment along the way. We stopped over for a day in NYC to see some sights, show the kids the "big city" and eat at the world famous Carnegie Deli. Of course, no trip could be called complete without the van being towed by the NYPD, and being accosted by over zealous panhandlers. We got the whole experience of the city.
Everyone is settled in now, and I needed to make an administrative stop in Norfolk before starting my combat training familiarization at Ft Dix, NJ. So I'll be in Norfolk for a week taking care of medical and dental stuff, paperwork, wills, life insurance, etc. I will go to Ft Dix next Saturday and will be on lock-down as we go through a rigorous 3 week training regime. My itinerary allows for 10 days of travel from NJ to Iraq, with stops in Bahrain and Kuwait. I will have "boots on the ground" in Iraq by 13 October. My current orders have me in Iraq for only 6 months. We'll see how that goes!
I'm excited about going to the desert, but I really really miss my family. Noah is at the age where he notices I'm gone, and his behavior has already started to show somethings different. We keep in touch with a webcam and video calling right now. I hope to have enough bandwidth in Iraq to keep doing that.
I'll be blogging more soon. Thanks for checking on me!
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