As part of our transition into theater, we stopped in Kuwait for a week of final training and acclimation. It was hotter than blue-blazes there...around 110 in the middle of the day, and dry doesn't start to describe it! Believe it or not, the base we stayed at, Camp Virginia, was really nice, with a Taco Bell,
McDonald's, Panda
Chinese, Donut Shop, and lots of other junk! It is called the "Gateway to the Theater" because everyone comes through here in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Here's my tent "pad." There were easily over 1000 tents in this camp!! All of them the same.

A bus ride at night, probably somewhere between the Kuwait airport to Camp Virginia. By this time, we had been up for two days straight - plus the 7 hour time change. It's me on the right, then LT Brad
Baer and Chief
Couey in the back. He wasn't posing for this one...that's just the way he looks.

McDonald's has infiltrated even the sandiest cranny of this earth!

Here's inside my tent. General berthing...we got lucky with only 7 people in here - and ICE COLD air conditioning! It was great.

Can't get away from the sand.
More sand to walk across as we travel to/from the Galley, phone center, or where ever. It seemed like there was never a cloud in the sky. Always a smokey dusty fog though.

More sand. The kind that is like talcum powder.
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