I guess I might as well tell you a little about two big issues here that I'm going through. The first is
Wynnona, the Base Command Group's mascot, a big brown beaver - groundhog - chipmunk...whatever you want her to be. She's the mascot for our group and she came all the way from Ft. Dix, NJ just to be with us here. That's another story for another time. So here you can her atop the AC unit in my office. She's a 4 foot tall fiberglass beauty and attracts attention everywhere she goes. I wonder why, but everyone seems to want to touch her, take their picture with her, or wants to carry her.

So the other major event going on around here is all the Navy Officers going after their
FMF (Fleet Marine Force) Qualification. It's a pin, similar to a warfare qualification, that demonstrates a broad and in-depth knowledge of the US Marine Corps' strategic and tactical missions and capabilities. It's only available within a narrow window of eligibility and we happen to fall within it here now. Honestly, everyone EXCEPT me seems to be going after this pin. It requires the applicant to attend several classes (weapons safety or defensive strategy for example), demonstrate different skills (set up a base camp or field strip your weapon), and observe several different USMC functions (like an amphibious landing or operations inside a Tactical command center). I'm not afraid of a challenge, it's just that I am so busy that I don't have time to go run off and attend a class on communications or take a "field trip" to watch Marines jump out of a helicopter. I wish I did though!

So here's where
Wynnona and
FMF come together...I figured I don't care so much about the pin, but why not let
Wynnona get it?? So I decided to help her get the pin and will take her to EVERY required event, even the oral board at the end. So I already started! It will require her to go on a 6 mile hike in full "battle rattle" and complete a USMC PT test, including pull ups. I know she can do it!!
Here's a picture of the Command Chaplain spotting one of the JAG officers in beefing up for the big qual!! He has a long way to go... Wynnona has already started motivating folks to reach past their comfort zone!

Yesterday was
Wynnona's first class. A quick tour of the CH53 Helicopter and it's capabilities, landing zone requirements, and basic uses, procedures, blah blah blah. The best part was that
Wynnona was there...Everyone had fun!

Make sure to check back regularly to witness the triumphs of Wynnona's FMF Adventure. We have a little something for everyone here...Mustache Chronicles, Wynnona's FMF Adventure, and you still haven't seen where I live, work, eat, go to church, or my day-to-day stuff. There's going to be lots to write about! Please stay in touch.
1 comment:
I just didn't get what you were trying to tell me about the FMQ and Wynona thing on the phone. But, it's really funny reading about it and seeing her pictures.
Wynona sure is cute! I'm glad you're having some fun as you pass the time over there....we need to see more mustache updates....... I love you.
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