For the Holidays, Mike and I decorated a little tree we received in the mail (pictured below).
It is a humble tree, but festive enough for us.
The day was nice, the air crisp and clear. On Christmas day, I was able to go for a nice 5 mile run, catch some sleep, watch "It's a Wonderful Life" TWICE, attend a "Christmas Pageant" at the Chapel,and then I ate at Burger King for dinner!
Work didn't stop at a few of my job sites. A K-Span being built by Iraqis...their first structure of this type for us. Their actually doing better than expected.
We had a great sunset, nice and crisp. This is my front door on the far right. Exciting, huh??

Hi Scott, I just wanted to let you know that I have been receiving your e-mails and that everything is OK here. Every time that I try to write an e-mail, the e-mail program starts messing up. That's why you haven't received many e-mails from me. Joe said that he didn't think that he wanted to Iraq or Afghanistan. I have more to say to you but I don't want to post it here for the world to see. As soon as I can get my e-mail working right again I will send you a better letter. I also want to let you know that I check your blog once or twice a week to see what you're up to. I love you and miss you.
TO:Mr. Mortimer,You look good with that bar,shave tail!
From: Mr. Zablotny USN RET.
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